“What Adults Social Care looks like”


Senior Policy and Stategy Lead
Adults Social Care Services

All age disability

All Age Disabilities Adults Social Care Services

The All Age Disability (AAD) Service is passionate about improving the life chances and independence of children and young adults aged 0-25; we provide a comprehensive social care pathway for children and young people with disabilities from childhood into adolescence and into adulthood. We are unique in that we support children and young adults across the legislative frameworks of the Children Act and the Care Act, giving Social Workers a truly generic Social Work portfolio. There are 4 social work teams within the All Age Disability Service including social workers and Assistant Practitioners. Social workers have manageable caseloads and are expected to undertake assessments, support planning, reviews and safeguarding.

Learning Disabilities

Adults Social Care Services

Whist all of our clients have a learning disability or autism, LD Social Work is a fantastic opportunity for staff to gain experience in a wide range of areas. From clients living at home with their carers to those involved in the criminal justice system, from parents with a learning disability to those with a dual mental health diagnosis, learning disability social work is a great place to broaden your experience and make a real difference to people’s lives. Our aspirations for our clients are high with a clear focus on increasing independence, access to employment and inclusion within mainstream spaces.

Older persons and physical disabilities

Older Persons

Older People and Physical Disabilities (OPPD) Southwark Adult Social Care OPPD is comprised of a wide range of services. Teams include colleagues from a range of professional backgrounds including Social Work, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and non-professionally qualified staff. They work with adults with physical disability, older persons, adults with dementia and carers. This inter-professional approach allows the sharing of skills to ensure that professions work flexibly and constructively to support our residents and carers. We aim to deliver a high quality, safe, strength based service, promoting and improving independence, ensuring comprehensive person-centred assessments, reviews and interventions, supporting court work (where required) and ensuring residents are safeguarded enabling choice and control regarding their accommodation, care and support needs. We are an organisation that is passionate about our people and understands that richness of diversity is a requirement to provide the best possible services to our communities.

OPPD Hospital Discharge Teams

asye social work

The Older Peoples and Physical Disabilities Hospital Discharge Teams are vital in enabling timely and safe transfers from hospital for Southwark residents. With a large emphasis on the ‘home first’ model, the team work collaboratively with colleagues across the acute and community health and social care system to ensure a safe transfer of care. The team are involved in both health and social care discharge to assess processes; they have a wide range of experience, skills and knowledge. The team work closely with colleagues in the acute trusts and community to. We work collaboratively we have successfully transferred as many people home as possible.

Ageing Well Southwark

Older Persons and Physical Disabilities Hospital Discharge Team (OPPD)

Ageing Well Southwark is a new co-ordinated Service joining up existing organisations within Southwark Adult Social Care, AgeUK and COPSINS voluntary sector partners. Our vision is to help older people and their carers discover and access all the different social, financial and practical support available to them in Southwark. The service includes a phone line for any older person’s needs, advice and information about practical services, including handyperson and nail cutting, plus activities available to take part in. The Service is also the first contact point for referrals into Social Care for people with physical disabilities and for anyone in the borough that has Occupational Therapy needs relating to equipment provision and home adaptations.


Telecare Adults Social Care Services

Our team consists of Telecare Occupational Therapists and Telecare Assessors, led by an Occupational Therapist Team Manager who identify a broad range of technology to support adults to live safely in their own home and promote independence. The Southwark Monitoring & Alarm Response Team (SMART) response team is within Southwark Council and we work in collaboration to effectively manage risk and champion technology enabled care. Our clients can be of any age or with any health condition that have risks that can be reduced with the use of technology. Eg falls, fire, community safety, remembering tasks.

Intermediate Care Southwark

newly qualified social worker jobs

Intermediate Care Southwark is an integrated health and social care service consisting of staff from Adult Social Care and Guys and St Thomas’s Trust. The service currently delivers two care pathways for residents over the age of 18:

@Home: This Team provides an Urgent Community Response for both Health and Adult Social Care. The Team works to deliver crisis intervention and prevent hospital admission. The aim of the team is to prevent an avoidable admission to hospital or A&E, prevent a clinical deterioration, prevent a social crisis or emergency admission to residential or nursing care.

Rehabilitation and Reablement: This Team works to support individuals to regain skills, confidence and independence whilst at home; this may be following a period of hospital admission and where a need has been identified in the community. The aim is to improve a person’s functionality so they can remain independent, safe and well at home and prevent or delay the need for longer term care.

Independent Living Team

Independent Living Team Adults Social Care Services

We are based at the purpose built Southwark Resource Centre, a Centre for Adults with disabilities. We utilise our arts and craft studio, IT space and specialist exercise room, as well as offering music, games and social activities. We have a brilliant team, who are all talented, passionate and caring staff, and the roles are as varied as the clients we support. We work to promote and enable independent living by providing access to community services and opportunities; user led social and support groups working to achieve goals through activities.

Mental Health Adult Social Care

Intermediate Care Southwark

Our well established ASC Mental Health teams offer a strong Social Work and Occupational Therapy service that looks beyond traditional models of mental illness. We look at a person as a whole, focusing on strengths and person centred approaches, whilst working collaboratively with our partners in Health and other key agencies. We assess, support and review people based on Care Act eligibility, with a real emphasis on wellbeing, choice, control and independence. Depending on a person’s needs, we offer reablement, long term support, creative and flexible support plans and packages of care. We also facilitate move on from mental health supported placements.

Within the department we have expert workers and teams that provide dedicated pathways for people needing specialist substance and/or alcohol interventions, safeguarding, support for carers, peer mentoring and a centralised Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs) service.

Service Development (Personal Budgets and Client Finance)

Adults Social Care Services

The Service Development (Personal Budgets and Client Finance) business unit takes a leading role in the day-to-day delivery of social care in Southwark. We work with operational teams and third-party providers to ensure that service users have the package of care, other services in place to meet their support plan needs. We ensure that charges are administered fairly, accurately and with sensitivity.

Adult Social Care Service Development (PDQ and Professional Leads)

Adult Social Care Service

The Performance Development and Quality (PDQ) Service brings together the functions of policy, performance, service development and strategic planning to operate in an integrated way to enable and support a high performing adult social care division.

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We pride ourselves in the progression we offer to people coming and joining our organisation. Please look at our current roles and see if there is one that would suit you.

Connect with us

Southwark Council, 2nd Floor, 160 Tooley Street, London, SE1 2TZ

You can use the contact form below for any questions- please mention the service you are interested in so we can direct your enquiry to the relevant team.

asye social work


Director of Adult Social Care